Copyright 2015. International Institute of Strengths-Based Nursing and Health Care. All Rights Reserved.

SBNH Publications

​​Available for purchase online from Springer Publishing.

Strengths-Based Nursing Care: Health and Healing for Person and Family  is now available in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Availability of Strengths-Based Nursing Care in Other Languages

Awarded first place in the 2013 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Nursing Education/Continuing Education category. 

Availability of Strengths-Based Nursing in Other Languages

Other Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Publications

Strengths-Based Nursing Care: Health and Healing for Person and Family  is now available in French ,Spanish and Portuguese

The following publications look at three different facets of Strengths-Based Nursing, in both educational and clinical environments: SBN-Care, SBN-Leadership & SBN-Pedagogy.

This is the first book that sets out the foundations of Strengths-Based Nursing Care (SBC) as an approach to practice to promote health and facilitate healing for persons and families. It is also the first practical guide for nurses on how to incorporate the knowledge, skills, and tools of SBC into everyday practice. The text builds on and further develops concepts in a model developed by the prestigious McGill University Nursing Program. SBC signifies a paradigm shift in nursing care from a model based on problems, deficits, and pathology to an approach to care that focuses on individual, family, and community strengths as a cornerstone of effective nursing care. The testimony of 46 nurses demonstrates how SBC can be effectively used in multiple settings across the lifespan.

French: ​ERPI-Pearson Publishers, 2014.

Spanish: Descale De Brouwer Publishers, 2015.

​Portuguese:​ Lusodidicata Publishers, 2016.